Transform Your Health: Book Your Online Wellness Consultation Today

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you with a personalized 1-hour online consultation. Together, we'll assess your health status, analyze your lifestyle habits, and identify key barriers that may be holding you back. By the end of the session, you'll receive a tailored Foundational Wellness Plan with actionable steps, achievable goals, and a special workbook to fuel your motivation. Book your session now and start your journey towards lasting wellness and vitality!



What to Expect in Your 1-Hour On-line Consultation

  • Health Status Assessment: self-reported health concerns, available objective data
  • Lifestyle Habits Analysis: We'll evaluate your current habits to identify key areas for change that could make the biggest impact.
  • Root Cause Exploration: We'll dig deeper into the unique challenges you face in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Emotional Barriers Addressed: We'll explore emotions linked to your health goals and develop strategies to navigate them.
  • Sabotaging Behaviors Identification: We'll discuss behaviours that may hinder your progress and brainstorm healthier alternatives.
  • Enjoyable Movement Discussion: Instead of focusing solely on structured exercise, we'll discuss ways to incorporate more enjoyable movement.
  • Achievable Goal Setting: Together, we'll agree on one small, manageable goal to focus on in the coming week.
  • Support Network Identification: personal and professional supports


At the end of our session, you'll receive a Foundational Wellness Plan, summarising our discussion and a targeted, actionable starting point that outlines:

  • Your primary health focus
  • One small, achievable goal for immediate action
  • One intervention to overcome obstacles to achieving this goal
  • A specific enjoyable movement to incorporate
  • A key emotional barrier to your success and an approach to address it.


You will be empowered with clear steps to take right away, setting you on the path toward healthy longevity without overwhelming you with a comprehensive strategy.

BONUS You will also receive a specially designed workbook to uncover your compelling reason for change. This will serve as a powerful motivator to keep you on track. 

Get your free guide to boost your health and longevity?

Subscribe now to receive a free PDF outlining these 7 powerful habits! Make small, consistent changes to improve your well-being. Don’t miss out—get your guide today!